Friday, September 18, 2009



I was watching the Finale of America's Got Talent, waiting anxiously to hear the winner be announced ( I love anticipation!) and in the back of my mind I thought "nothing could take my attention from the next few seconds, my eyes and attention are glued to the tv!" And out of the corner of my eye I saw my baby scoot across the blanket on the floor and hearing the winner be announced completely left my mind and all I thought was get my phone and record this NOW! So I flug my hands around to get my phone and started recording my little baby crawl! I will post it up on Utube soon so you all can see! I'm the most proud mommy in the world!
Car update: still no car. The bank has the check ready for us we just need the previous owner of the car to give the dealer the title so he can get it to the bank so I can finally get my car! Hopefully this is the end of the car drama! UGHH! I hope I hope I hope!


  1. What a big girl! Owen still isn't interested in crawling. I know that feeling though, it's like every milestone is another proud mommy moment! You go girl!


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